Sermon Title: What’s My Part In God’s Story? | Luke 22 | Eric Holmstrom | Purpose Church | April 10, 2022 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM WEBPAGE.
Sermon Title: Body Image and Eating Disorders + Q&A | Micky Avolicino, Tim McAnlis, and Sarah Holmstrom | Crisis Night | April 6, 2022 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM...
Sermon Title: Mental Health Night + Q&A | Selina Gadalla, Aly Batista, Asher Russ, Dale Shein | Student Leader Night | March 30, 2022 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM...