Disciples Prioritize Serving Others | Mark 10:41-45 | This Is The Way: 8 Marks of a Disciple of Jesus | Asher Russ | December 13, 2023 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM...
These Are The Days | John 15 | Last Sermon as HSM Pastor | Eric Holmstrom | June 14, 2023 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM WEBPAGE.
Our Father | When You Pray… | Sarah Holmstrom | March 1, 2023 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM WEBPAGE.
10 Dating Tips No One Else Will Tell You | Better Now | Eric Holmstrom & Claire Colinco | February 22, 2023 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM WEBPAGE.
A Life That Pleases God | 1 Thessalonians 4-5 | Eric Holmstrom | April 27, 2022 | If you would like to learn more or get connected with our High School Ministry (HSM) at Purpose Church, visit our HSM WEBPAGE.