Marriage and sex were God’s ideas first. His Word contains the best ways to think about and make decisions about marriage and sex, because He wants what is ultimately best for us – and that is a relationship with Him as the Lord of our lives. As we trust and obey His...
Pornography is a rapidly growing addiction globally and is accessible to almost anyone. Research shows that 85% of 10-17-year-olds have seen pornography, whether or not they wanted to see it or intentionally sought it out themselves. If this is the case, why...
This month, we talked about the purpose of prayer, how to pray, and finally, how to make our prayers personal. Making our prayers more personal is possible by being vulnerable and honest with God, as well as praying for what’s on His heart. As we connect with Him in...
Last week, we studied the purpose of prayer. Tonight, we will discover how to pray! Jesus taught His followers how to pray during His Sermon on the Mount through what is known as the Lord’s Prayer. Praying this word for word is powerful, but each part serves a...
Christians all over the world are called to pray, but what does it look like to have an authentic conversation with God? And why is prayer important? God’s Word provides numerous reasons to pray, and tonight we will discuss 4 of them. Prayer connects us to God,...