This week Jarret, Caleb and our producer David Brandon discuss the history of Faith and Works as a false dichotomy in the life of the Christian. We discuss Glenn's sermon called Faith vs. Works. Connect with us as This podcast exists...
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Episode #11: James Series. Don’t show favoritism.
Episode #11: James Series: Favoritism and you! This week Caleb and Jarret discuss the problem of favoritism in the church and what a Christian approach to the problem of diversity. You also might get chance to hear Caleb do a radio voice.
Episode #10 Your Real Purpose (Telos)
We talk today about parenting and human purpose: not that parenting is human purpose, but that parenting creates us to be focused on others (to be practicers of agape). Jarret and I discuss the ways that parenting has broken us and shown us our pride even as through...
Episode #9 Christian Culture and the Strange Persistence of Guilt
Caleb and Jarret discuss the formation of Christian culture and the new monasticism and then transition into a discussion about the strange persistence of guilt in secular culture. How do we deal with feelings of guilt as a christian and what is the christian...
Episode #8, The Case For Christ and Easter Week.
Sermon Recap: This week we cover Sermon THE CASE FOR CHRIST by Glenn Gunderson Purpose Podcast is an opportunity to join Jarret Lemaster and Caleb Spencer and other hosts as they talk openly and freely about living the Christian life in our culture. This Episode Ep....
Episode #7 Forgotten God, The Final Week
This Episode Ep. #7 Forgotten God, The Final Week, Caleb and Jarret discuss how to stay close to the Holy Spirit and Talk about the implications for doing so in culture and in life. Sermon Recap: This week we cover the sermon entitled The Forgotten God by...
Episode #6 Chris Brown Interview
Jarret interviews Chris Brown to find out what Chris thinks about leadership, walking in the spirit and story telling. Good stuff if you like any of those things...which as Christians, we probably should. Love this guy. This podcast exists to encourage everyone...
Episode #5 (Live at the Barn)
This Episode Ep. #5 Live from the Barn, we discuss the Sermon from Sunday morning about Holy Spirit. Caleb is awesome and super smart. Purpose Podcast is an opportunity to join Jarret Lemaster and Caleb Spencer and other hosts as they talk openly and freely about...
Episode #4: Holy Spirit Week 1
This Episode Ep. #4 Holy Spirit... Week one withJeff Boian from Azusa Pacific talking about what it means to be "in the Spirit" Who and what is the Holy Spirit. Sermon Recap: This week we cover the sermon entitled The Forgotten God by Glenn Gunderson at Purpose...
Purpose Podcast Episode Ep. #3 What is Generosity? …or I’ll sleep when I’m dead with Jeff Boian
This Episode Ep. #3 What is Generosity? ...or I'll sleep when I'm dead. We have Jeff Boian from Azusa Pacific talking about what it means to be generous with our finances but also in our lives and time. Sermon Recap: This week we cover the sermon entitled Generous...
The Purpose Podcast Ep. #2
Episode #2: "Found People Find People" This episode Caleb, Lisa Toney and Jarret talk about what it means to have Christian habits, how does God change our behavior? Purpose Podcast is an opportunity to join Jarret LeMaster and Caleb Spencer and other hosts as they...
Everyone is Designed to Serve or Happiness is…finding a pencil.
Purpose Podcast Episode #1! This week, we discuss what it means to say that everyone is designed to serve. What does that look like? Caleb, Tamiko and Jarret try to suss it out while finding out that Caleb has a fashion blog...enough said.